Preloader Emblem



Spider info

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

  • Year


  • Location


  • Director

    Nash Edgerton

  • Writer

    Nash Edgerton

  • Other cast & crew

    Producer: Nicole O’Donohue
    Cast: Nash Edgerton, Jill Mirrah Foulkes
    Distributor: Salaud Morisset (Germany, All Rights)

  • Duration

    9 minutes

  • IMDB

  • letterboxd-decal-dots-neg-mono


It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

Spider is the first film in Nash Edgerton’s trilogy. It is followed by Bear (2010) and Shark (2021). All three are Special Presentations at the 2023 AoDR Film Festival.