Preloader Emblem



Scale info

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

Distressing, NSFW: Drugs, language, nudity, sexual situations

This film was available from 6 - 22 January 2023 as part of the 2nd AoDR Festival.

Owing to licensing restrictions, this film is only available in the following countries:

  • USA

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  • Year


  • Location


  • Director

    Joseph Pierce

  • Writers

    Joseph Pierce, Nicolas Pleskof

  • Other cast & crew

    Producers: Hélène Mitjavile, Chris Hees, Christophe Beaujean, Jérémie Mazurek, Jiří Konečný
    Cast: Sam Spruell, Zahra Ahmadi, Evelyn Neghabian Pierce, Minou Neghabian Pierce
    Distributor: Salaud Morisset

  • Duration

    15 minutes

  • IMDB

  • letterboxd-decal-dots-neg-mono


Driving along the motorway, Will loses his sense of scale. As his crippling drug addiction deepens, he struggles to unpick the sequence of events that led to his predicament, before he’s lost forever.